Tantra Massage Washington
Tantra Massage Washington

Come into a relationship with yourself, so that you can come into relationships with others.
Feed YOUR Mind
Lessons, exercises, homework to develop skills for all of life and all types of relationships.
Feed YOUR Body
Embracing your pleasure in physical exchanges of intimacy and connection.
Feed YOUR Heart
Be seen, be heard, and be understood by your healing team.
Feed YOUR Soul
Come into alignment with who you are and your true essence for love and relationships.
Surrogate Partner Therapy (SPT) is learning the skills of relationship that we were never properly taught. How do you relate to your own body? How do you relate to others? We bring kindness, compassion, communication, and intimacy skills to the forefront. We work strongly on consent, boundaries, and bodily autonomy*.
Surrogate Partner Therapy is designed for people who are not in a partnered relationship and it works in conjunction with talk therapy. We become your healing team. Sessions with your therapist start before surrogate work with me and continue regularly during and after our time together.
If you are in a committed relationship, and think this work is for you, let’s talk.
Explore relationships and intimacy with a skilled Surrogate Partner (SP) in an "experiential lab" environment, where it’s ok to explore, be curious and experiment in relationships. Let's get messy. Let's be awkward. Let's laugh, and maybe cry, while learning deeply about what you want and desire from intimacy.
Is this fun and sexy?
We can certainly make it fun. But it will also be challenging and requires long-term commitment, typically six months to two years. It is playful and awkward. There will be conflict, and conflict resolution. We'll learn to be in a relationship from its tenuous beginning, to the middle where we find comfort and commonality, to the end, where we dissolve the relationship with grace and integrity. The skills you learn will support all relationships: romantic, family, friends, and co-workers.
And what about the sexy?
With support from the therapist, you set your goal(s), which the SP helps you to meet. After mastering the basic skills, you and the SP explore together your erotic essence and full sexual self. You, the therapist, and the SP must all be in alignment and agreement for the erotic essence of the work to happen.
Deeply satisfying relationships don't follow the scripts of fictitious romance heroes or the characters in popular TV shows. Sex portrayed in pornography doesn’t depict reality. Sadly for most of us, though, we use them to model our intimacy because our society bombards us with them.

Who is a good fit? Those who:
Are ready to heal and willing to do the work.
Are curious about their bodies and what is pleasurable and "right" for them, not the stories we were told.
Have trouble aligning, maintaining, or navigating relationships with comfort and ease.
SPT has been highly beneficial for people who resonate with the following:
Pain that interrupts/negates intimacy from happening
History of unwanted touch or physical trauma
Lack of boundaries
Sexually naïve or minimal intimate experience
Erectile difficulty (Performance Anxiety, Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction)
Body shame
People pleaser, never having your own needs met
Not deserving of happiness and joyful relationships
Lacking social skills or social anxiety (shy, awkward, geeky)
Confusion around gender or sexual orientation
*Bodily autonomy is the right to control what happens to one's own body and make choices over one's physical and psychological well-being. It is a fundamental right and a basis for gender equality. Bodily autonomy means having the power, agency, and dignity to decide when, whether or with whom to have sex, become pregnant, or access health care. It also means having the freedom to take up space in the world.
Tracy has been working in the Touch for Healing realm for over a decade. She has seen hundreds of clients and learned how touch from platonic to erotic can heal. Much of her work to date has been in the realm of Surrogate Partner Therapy although without the "formal certification". Seeing the progress clients make when talk and touch are combined further motivates her to support clients to work in this realm.
Classes and Certifications:
Collaborating w/ Surrogate Partners in the Triadic Model
How to Help Generalize Surrogate Partner Therapy
Fundamentals of Embodied Intimacy
Surrogate Partner Professional Training
Sacred Sexuality through a Tantric Lens
School of Consent with Betty Martin
Love and Ecstasy Training through SkydancingTantra.org
Cycle 1: The Body Ecstatic and Sexual Healing
Cycle 2: Celebrating Love and Orgasm
Cycle 3: The Joy of the Spirit: Meditation - Ecstasy
Advanced Kundalini Reiki Master
Gold Reiki Master
Usui Reiki master
Chakra Balancing
Self-Discovery School of Intuitive Healing with Becky Moore
End of Life Washington/Death with Dignity advocate training and volunteering
Tracy has an amazing ability to select from all these trainings to create an individualized healing session for anyone.
Surrogate Partner Therapy is an investment in yourself and your future healthy relationships. I offer two payment options.
The Package $4200
This includes: Twelve 90-minute sessions, spaced at no less than three per month to be completed within 150 days of session one
Payment is collected in two installments: One-half ($2100) paid at session number one, and one-half ($2100) paid at session number six.
The hourly rate for SPT with Tracy Lee is $250/hr. paid at each session. Minimum length is 90 minutes, maximum length is 3 hours.
Both payment options include
My communication in between sessions with your therapist
One email check in between sessions for follow-up questions or instructions
Tracy’s office is private, cozy, comfortable, and inviting, and easy to get to just off the Boeing Freeway in Everett, WA with ample parking.
Contact Tracy
To contact Tracy use this form.
Have questions? Tracy offers a FREE 15-minute consultation call. Chat with her to see if Surrogate Partner Therapy is right for you.
To learn more about Tracy Lee and what else she offers, check her out HERE.
Resources and Articles About
Surrogate Partner Therapy
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Surrogate Partner world?